the secret to the sand shot

The Sand Square™

The Secret To The Sand Shot | The Sand Square™

Golf has become over complicated. Swing theories, endless advice – it's all noise. Simplify.

Meet the Sand Square. No theories, just a simple training aid for the sand shot that works. The sand shot is all about the set up. It's real simple: You're either in a good position at address or you don't have a chance. With a square clubface, lean the shaft away from the target, exposing the bounce and adding loft – that's it. The rest is distraction.

This little tool fits in your golf bag and holds your sand wedge in the optimal position. Practice hitting bunker shots from the proper set up position and take your sand game to the next level.

Repeat, build confidence, transform your game. No BS, just better golf.

The Secret To The Sand Shot | The Sand Square | Holds the sand wedge in an optimal position with ideal bounce and loft

Easy as 1-2-3

Sand Shot - Set Up Position
Address the golf ball for the sand shot with ball position off of lead foot
Hitting the sand shot, splashing through the sand with the boucnce

Step 1

Set The Club By Leaning The Shaft Away From The Target

Step 2

Address The Ball Maintaining The Shaft Angle

Step 3

Swing The Clubhead Down The Target Line

What our customers are saying.

"My sand game was absolutely horrible."

"I really like this invention."

"Made it a 100 times easier."

"So the bounce works just like so!"

your success starts with proper setup

It's All In The Set Up

The secret to a successful sand shot lies in your club's position and the overall set up position of the golfer. The Sand Square™ is designed to help you achieve the perfect set up every time, and deliver the club with bounce and loft. Gain confidence and approach the sand trap with ease.